Thursday, 17 April 2014

Just to whet your appetite - this is where we are heading!

If any of you have been to any of these places before, please feel free to hit us with ideas and suggestions - all input is welcomed!

As Rich has to start an amazing new job back in Guernsey as CFO (yes, folks, you heard it right, CFO at age 31, I am so proud!), we will be doing the trip in two parts:  Part 1 involves us both gallivanting around America, Central America and South America.  Part 2 involved just CP gallivanting around the Southern Hemisphere.

Here is a little checklist so you can get a flavour of our plans.

- Miami (bring on the basketball playoffs and the baseball)
- Cayman (bring on catching up with Charlie, Jess, Rocco, Kerrina, Stu & Juliet!)
- Guatemala (bring on the guacamole?!)
- Nicaragua (bring on the volunteering)
- Costa Rica (bring on meeting my bro Ryan!)
- Columbia (bring on the coffee and coke [that's coca-cola, right?!] plantations)
- Ecuador (bring on straddling the equator)
- Bolivia (bring on the worlds most dangerous road)
- Peru (bring on Machu Picchu)
- LA (and Vegas for my birthday - bring on Britney Spears!)
- RD back in Guernsey at the end of August, ready to start work on 1 September!
- Fiji (bring on the beach!)
- NZ (bring on a 4 week road trip - and Charlie and Jess' wedding!)
- Bali (bring on the wedding venues!)
- Australia (Bring on QLD and Sydney for family catch ups - and maybe a wedding!)
- HK (bring on seeing Westlife)
- Guernsey (get to see RD again!)
- CP finally back to Guernsey in the middle of November (date yet to be confirmed) to start work again on 17 November after 7 months away!

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